We’ve had sixties and sun and then four inches of snow and cold wind. Spring just can’t make up its mind! A few days ago, we had a full moon and I got up to look outside and saw it shining bright, reflected on the beaver pond. Gorgeous!

We’ve had more baby goats born and two more does will give birth shortly. Our last was Dusty, a first freshener, who gave us a beautiful stocky doeling. Dusty is a good mom and the little girl is growing like a weed. We’re real happy with Dusty’s udder, too. Nice and round with good teats. She’ll make a great milker, just like her mother, Buffy, our old grandma goat.

I’ve been tilling seriously in the garden and we put a temporary hoop house together for the peppers. The only thing we bought was the bag of brackets to hold the PVC to the 2x4s. The rest was scrounged and leftover material. We’re waiting to put the plastic on it until I till the spot again. We’ll be laying black plastic down over soaker hoses when we plant the peppers. That way, we’ll have no weeds to deal with and the soil will be kept nice and warm all summer. We have cool nights and the peppers really would rather have warm evenings to grow well. I can’t wait until I start harvesting peppers! — Jackie