Off-grid refrigeration

I know that you are off grid. What do you do for refrigeration? All the solar information I have read said that you can not use an electric refrigerator with solar. The propane refrigerators are very expensive. We live in the hot south and this is going to be a issue for us soon.

Kathleen Minkkinen
Cedar Bluff, Alabama

We have a propane refrigerator. Ours cost about $900, which is more than most electric refrigerators. Occasionally you can find a good used one, however. Like everything, you get what you pay for. Ours is a small refrigerator, compared to most electric ones. We’d like a bigger one, but have decided to buy another smaller one to go side-by-side with our existing one for extra refrigeration for meats at butchering time and also milk products being stored during and after cheesemaking. — Jackie

Honey in jelly recipes

May I use honey in jelly recipes? If so what is the substitution rate?

Joline Fleming
Rossiter, Pennsylvania

Yes, you can. Remember, though, that jellies made with honey have a different taste than jelly made with sugar. Some people love it; others find it strange-tasting. You can substitute honey for half of the sugar in your jelly recipes. For instance, if your jelly requires 6 cups of sugar, you can use 3 cups of sugar and 3 cups of honey. You can’t go higher than that as honey is a much moister product than sugar and the jelly will not set. — Jackie


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