Raw packing pickled vegetables and canning butter

My husband loves the hot pickled jalapeno, carrot and onions he gets from a local restaurant, so I decided to can some this year. I used a recipe that said to raw pack cut vegetables into jars then add boiling brine solution and process in water bath. Now I see that your recipes call for hot packing. Are mine still safe to eat? Also, last year I canned up butter and used an oven method recipe I had found, so they did NOT get a water bath. Is the butter still safe to eat and if not can I re-can it?

Shawna Sisk
Show Low, Arizona

Yes, your recipe is still safe. The simmering in the recipe I included in my canning book only tenderizes the vegetables. Many mixed vegetable pickle recipes call for raw packed vegetables. You’re okay there. But the butter…The only way I’d use it is in cooking where I was sure it was cooked at temperatures above 240 degrees for 15 minutes (baking, frying, etc.), which would kill any possible lurking bacteria or toxins that could make you sick. No, you can not re-can it. — Jackie

Canning candy

Have you tried canning candy? I’m thinking about making pralines with some of my pecans and canning them. I just don’t know about any problems that may come up. They would sure be yummy this winter. Also, maybe make some pecans with the recipe I have to make a chex party mix. I think that the seasonings in that would taste good on pecans.

Shirley Owens
Milton, Florida

No, I haven’t tried canning candy yet. But I’m afraid your pralines will melt during processing, as will many other candies. As for the pecans with seasonings — that’ll work. Just dust the raw pecans halfway through the toasting process (lowest setting in your oven, single layer on cookie sheets) then continue toasting to bake on the seasonings. — Jackie

Processing low acid tomatoes

How long do I need to process low or no acid tomatoes in a pressure canner?
(yellow tomatoes)

Pat Lemieux
Toledo, Washington

The recommended time for tomatoes in their own juice, processed in a pressure canner is 25 minutes at 10 pounds, but do be sure to add 1 Tbsp. lemon juice to each pint and 2 Tbsp. to each quart. Not only does this ensure safe canning for low acid tomatoes, but it also helps preserve color and improves the flavor. No, it doesn’t make them sour or lemony. — Jackie


  1. Exciting stuff isn’t it?! After such a cool summer to be prdieovd with this late season warm up is a true blessing. Not sure if I will end up with enough at one time to do some diced tomatoes AND sauce, but I have some hope for the sauce because I have been popping some of the ones and twosies into the freezer and if I keep getting some tomatoes over the coming weeks that are not enough at any time to do a batch I plan to keep doing that until I have enough to do a batch of so of sauce.

  2. Hi Jackie,

    I have read so many warnings about canning your own butter. Are you able to give any advice? Also, have you tried flavoring your canned butters, (cinnamon, garlic, chives, horseradish, etc….).

    Thank you,

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