Canning duck eggs

Can duck eggs be canned the same as chicken eggs?

Linda Fisher
Klamath, California

By “canned,” I’m assuming that you’re meaning canned pickled eggs? If that’s the case, yes, you can. It doesn’t matter what kind of eggs you pickle; they all turn out fine. — Jackie

Planting peach trees

I recently purchased and planted some peach trees. They are about 6 feet tall and when we got them they had about 20 peaches on each. My question is do I need to cut off all of the peaches to get a better root system?

Sherry Grable
Needville, Texas

I hate to tell you this, but your tree will fare much better if you do cut those peaches off. (This is from me, who HATES to even thin carrots!) But I want your trees to grow well and produce even more peaches in the future. — Jackie