Strange eggshells

I have one hen that lays really large eggs but the shells feel very thin. The eggs feel light especially for their size. The shell is rough and it often has granules on it. Sometime the pile of granules are merged with the shell. Other times, they can be shoved off with my fingernail, just a bunch of very tiny shell material balls. Should I be worried about the hen that is laying these eggs? It has been going on for months.

Helper, Utah

No, this is nothing to worry about. Some hens just lay “different” eggs. Just make sure she has a good diet with access to oyster shells or another calcium source to help her build stronger egg shells. — Jackie

Converting pasture to garden

We have finally made the purchase and moved to a more rural setting. Previously a horse farm, we want to convert about 1 of the 5 acres from neglected pasture grass/weeds to vegetable garden. What would you suggest to do to get rid of the grass and weeds? Bush-hog, and then plow everything under multiple times to compost? BTW, Nitrogen is overly plentiful.

Michele Zipf
Batavia, Ohio

Congratulations! Yep, what we do is to cut the “junk” as short as possible, then plow and disc the spot. Remove as many roots as possible easily, then work it with a tiller several times during the growing season, BEFORE you attempt to plant a garden. If you want to plant a garden, make it a small one so that you can control the weeds and any perennial grass. A large garden is hard to keep weeds and grass in check and they can quickly over-run the whole thing. The very best of luck on your new homestead! — Jackie