I’m still planting, planting, planting. Yesterday I set out our final (maybe!) tomato plants, tilled a spot for a long bean row, and helped Will stretch the plastic skin over our old hoop house frame. Meanwhile, Will got the floor joists nailed in place for our new front porch on the house. It looks so big and it will be such a nice place to sit in the shade during the summer. But we’re out of cash (due to our new-to-us Subaru having expensive issues) so we have to put it on hold for a while. Sigh. Oh well, that’s how it goes…

The peppers in the new hoop house that we built during the seminar are simply awesome. It’s about 100 degrees in there during the day and 70 at night. The peppers are growing strong and loving it! They don’t realize they’re planted in the ground in northern Minnesota!

Today I’m planting Provider bush beans and both Cherokee Trail of Tears and Lazy Housewife pole beans and putting watermelons in the old hoop house. I do want to wait until this afternoon when the heat’s not quite so HOT in there, though!

Will’s out stretching fence wire on the new forty and we’re watching the new seeding grow and look wonderful. Yesterday we turned out our nine-month-old calves into the old horse pasture which had been rested and the grass was up to their backs in places. Boy, they love that! They ran with their tails up, bucking and playing for half an hour before they settled down to munching. They are slick and shiny and look wonderful.


  1. I have a friend who attended Jackie’s recent Homesteading Seminar. She can’t stop talking (raving!) about how wonderful it was. Jackie and Will are so nice…they seem to know everything and they are willing to share it all with opportunities for hands-on experience. They also patiently answer any and all questions about how to do it all. I must admit I’m envious of her experiences in northern Minnesota. Thank you for the blog and “Ask Jackie”… I’m a huge fan!!!

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