It started a few days ago. The baler broke down (again). Same over-running clutch plate … translated to $140, including shipping and handling. It seems that the steel had a flaw and it simply broke apart like pie dough. Will called the dealer and basically it’s the same old story, “You did it, we didn’t so we won’t replace it.” Don’t have $140 so we’re on hold. Then yesterday the irrigation pump quit. Noisily. Will checked it out and found that the crankshaft and rod are broken and jammed. Hmmm. That’s another $300. And the geese are gathering in our pond. Sign of an early winter? Eeeek.

On the up side, Eric and Will got the last of the barn’s trusses up and secured. The barn is looking wonderful! But Will can’t do much more until some cash appears from somewhere. Oh well, we’ve been there; done that before. So we’ll keep doing other things for now.

I’m busy canning and getting ready for the Cook Area Garden club’s visit on Thursday. Last year more than 50 people showed up! (Are they ready for weeds in our flower beds? I hope so…)

Our “little” piggies are growing like weeds. I was feeding extra milk three times a day to my two little “skinny” pigs, in a flat pan outside the fence. I’d call them and they’d come vaulting out over the fence rails. Suddenly I had five “skinny pigs!” Only three weren’t skinny. They were baby pigs from our other sow, Blondie. It didn’t take long before the word was out and now the whole bunch come running when I call my “skinny pigs!” They don’t eat much because their mom is a great milker, but they love a snack. Afterward, the whole bunch wallows and plays in the sand outside the barn. They wrestle, jump, kick, and push each other. Then they dig into the sand and sit there like kids at the beach. Yesterday we were filling the water barrel outside the barn and the hose coupler leaked. Not only did we have a dozen little pigs wallowing in that wonderful mud, but our lab, Spencer, joined them also. He laid there while his little “brothers and sisters” squiggled in the mud next to him! What a dog!


  1. Sorry you’ve run into these troubles Jackie and Will. It’s these unexpected events that test those of us working hard at self-reliance. You and Will are two of the best at it! The barn really looks great; so exciting to see it making such progress. Love the story about and pictures of your piggies. They are so cute!

  2. Hi Jackie,

    Sorry to hear you have run into some expensive repairs and have to put the barn project on hold until you refill the cash coffer. Good to see you are committed to debt free LBYM.

    I know you have said that you are saving big bucks growing and raising your own food supply versus buying from the grocery store. I agree that no price can be put on being self sufficient. At the same time have you ever amortized the original purchase and maintenance/repair cost of all the equipment you seem to use to keep your homestead running into your food costs? I could see the ROI if one is running a commercial farm for income, but not sure how the numbers play out if one is only raising crops/livestock for ones own consumption.


  3. The little piggies look like so much fun!! Take care of yourself and don’t stress over this garden club! If they’re real gardeners they can take a little weeds. …and yes I have had one of those weeks also, my water heater went out and the washer is making funny noises. Great progress on the barn!!

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