Our latest four inches of snow is pretty much gone now and we’re glad. Will is trying hard to get the steel on the barn roof before winter gets tough and working 25 feet in the air gets more dangerous. Our friend, Eric, came over for a couple of hours a few days ago to help, and yesterday Will finished off the very top sheets of the barn by himself. We have seven sheets of the longest run down the roof to go, then we have to wait for more cash to buy more metal. (Who but a homesteader asks Santa for sheets of barn roofing?) While they work on the roof our horses, cattle, and pigs stand around watching the action. Maybe they are wanting the barn done faster so they can live in it? Or maybe they just think humans are nuts going way up in the air like that.

Will and I are pretty excited. Yesterday, after evening chores, we stood by the barn, exclaiming how nice it is looking. With Will finishing all of the framing and trimming on the roof and with the metal on top, it’s really looking like a barn. A huge barn at that! Wow!


  1. The barn is gorgeous! Ladyhawk is such a pretty horse, too! Will sure is talented – what a lot of hard work but a great end result. No cold weather yet in Texas but the Farmers Almanac says we will see snow again this year. Stay safe, Will and Jackie!

  2. I agree with your homesteaders request from Santa…. We’re always asking Santa for this tool or that building material ourselves. Personally I’m hoping to find a new tape measure in my stocking and a solar oven under the tree.

  3. It’s looking beautiful Jackie! Hope you get continued mild weather and that present from Santa!

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