
All our snow is gone and the ground is drying up nicely. What a relief. We breed our goats to freshen in late April since by then the snow is gone and the weather is nice. Luckily, the “girls” didn’t have their kids until last week so they were born in pleasant weather. Now it’s mid-sixties and they’re out running with their mammas and enjoying the sunshine. One small twin buckling was born weak so I brought him in and put him into the wood box. (The wood box sees more baby animals this time of the year than it does wood!) He’s doing well on the bottle and is starting to run around outdoors. He’s pretty much potty trained; I feed him then take him outdoors where he does his “business.” Our friend and neighbor, Jerry, came over at feeding time (about every 3 hours) and asked to be able to give baby his bottle. Both of them enjoyed it a lot! Jerry used to raise goats and has a soft spot in his heart for them.


Meanwhile, Will’s been working daily on the rock wall behind the wood stove. He’s finally got all the rock up and is starting to grout in between them with mortar. It’s slow and fussy work, but it’s coming together very nicely. He jokes that after reading a stonework book that “he did everything wrong” because he placed the stones too far apart, but we both like the way it looks so we’re still happy with it.


I go in on Thursday for my knee surgery (torn meniscus) and hope it goes as well as the surgeon says it will, complete with quick recovery of the total use of it again. Right now it sure is a pain (pun not intended!). I went to sit down on a plastic bucket to milk a goat and OMG did it hurt! And our cow, Lace, is making a beautiful bag. All I could think of is “how am I ever going to milk a COW?” Hopefully, I’ll be all healed up by the time she freshens. — Jackie


  1. Wish you good luck on your surgery Jackie. Folks I know who had the surgery say it worked great. Will’s wall looks terrific!

  2. Best of Luck to you on your upcoming surgery. Hope all goes well & you are back good as new. Enjoyed the pictures of the goats. So cute. And please tell Will that the Stone Wall looks awesome! I live way down in SW Louisiana & there are No Big Stones like that & I just love stones. Travel to Utah now & then & I just enjoy the rocks & streams so much. Take care.

  3. I had surgery for a torn meniscus in 2003. It was so great to be able to walk without wincing. Just don’t bend it for a week and don’t put pressure on it, using a walker. Lie with a pillow under your heel so the knee will “hang” and mend straight. Now, I need surgery for the other knee, and I tore the meniscus on the original knee. grrrr Don’t be sitting on the stool to milk the cow at least until a week has passed. I know people whose doctor did not tell them these things. The knee will not straighten so they can walk. Good luck.

  4. Jackie,

    Good luck with your surgery. You’ll be back in no time and better than new!

    Love the photo of your friend Jerry; instantly reminded me of my great grandfather (Pa) whom I adored. Thank you, I needed a nice pick-me-up today!

    Will’s wall looks fabulous! I think many of us pick apart what we see as flaws in our work, while others only see a great job done!

    Baby goats are so cute. I’ll have to learn more about them before I get one though :)

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