
With temperatures back in the “perfect” seventies, we have a lot more energy. Will took the newly put-back-together Oliver over to cut hay this morning to give it a trial run. He ran it around the place a little soon after getting the motor and clutch back in but wanted to really give it a “for real” test. I just got back from there and everything seems perfect, including the hay, which is thick clover and grass. Mmmmm, and it’s not supposed to rain for four days. He wants to try our round baler on the Oliver but he cut just enough hay so that if something’s not right, we can square bale it without too much fuss. (But I do want a few square bales from that field to feed the goats and horses to supplement their pasture.)


The garden is growing like mad. Although it’s late in the season, it’s working hard to catch up. I’ve never had bigger broccoli! The leaves are waist high. And it hasn’t even started to head yet. I can’t wait. The corn is starting to tassel and tomatoes are getting bigger, although they’re not showing yellow, prior to red yet. But there’s lots of them!


Our little seven baby pigs are doing fine and starting to run around outside, sampling clover and whatever it is that piggies snack on in the pasture. Two are sold already. A man who bought two of our pigs last fall was so impressed with their taste that he definitely wanted MORE. That makes us feel good. We think our Red Wattle pork tastes great too and both Will and I have raised pigs before this.


I’ve got to go churn butter so have a great day! — Jackie


  1. Ruth Ann,

    We put reed canary grass, a swampy type grass that we harvest early before it goes to seed in place of straw, which we have to buy. The canary grass is straw-like and rank so it has no weeds among it.
    The structures are our hoop houses. Two have melons in them and one, peppers. We built them for about $100 each. I’m doing an article on building these cheap hoophouses, so hopefully you’ll see it before next spring so you can plan your own. They’re great!!!

  2. Love your pictures, especially the lily by the door. My lilies are blooming too here in lower Michigan. Your garden looks beautiful. Is that straw you put in between the rows to keep out the weeds and what are the tent like thingies in the back of the picture? Are they mini greenhouses for your peppers like you mentioned earlier on? Where did you get them or did you build them? We are looking for a greenhouse but not sure what do get. Any suggestions?

  3. Pat Rizzi,

    No, Pat. We just use good old rotted manure. Our soil is really, really improving from from when we first started with rocks and sand!!!

  4. All,

    Yep, it’s beautiful now. But just remember, before you get too jealous, that it gets -45 below in the winter here. There’s always those trade-offs!

  5. Make sure every buddy knows my dads new toy is the hulk but doesn’t make his job any easier. It’s just a blessing u guys got him and no dad I’m not bringing my tools from Alaska for an engine overhaul anytime soon.
    Your loving son Don

  6. I love the picture of the lily by the door… very pretty. And your gardens are a feast for the eyes. What a beautiful sky behind Will! Thanks for sharing everything with us; my family loves your blog.

  7. Miss Iris,we are sort of neighbors, I’m southwest of Tyler. My back yard thermometer read 105 at 3 pm. Dog Days. The grandkids & I were mowing and watering in the hot. Garden has burned up so its a pleasure to see Jackies garden so green and growing, that nice photo of Will gave me a little spring fever===until I went out, lol

  8. Well, the temp in Dallas today is headed to 103 with high humidity so I was really glad to hear about your weather and see the garden and the flowers. SO GLAD Will has big Oliver back together!

  9. Jackie,your home and land are beautiful, some of the pictures remind me of post cards and others remind me of the beautiful country calendars always around my house. If there is a question here, its how on earth do you guys work on a day like you captured with Will cutting hay, ? THEN you had to go and say in the seventies,,, shame on you !, lol

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