Monthly Archives: October 2013

With snow in the forecast, we’re going double-time

Besides daily chores, Will and I have been sawing logs with our Hud-Son bandsaw mill, edging boards on the hybrid gasoline-driven table saw and...

Q and A: cleaning cow teats, “rotten” odor in reusable lids,...

Cleaning cow teats I was wondering what kind of cow teat prep you use in the winter for milking? I have been using bleach, dish...

We’re digging potatoes today, with a new family member

It's unseasonably warm today, sunny and 75 degrees. A perfect day to get those potatoes out of the ground and down in the basement....

Q and A: canning grape juice and salt in pickle recipes

Canning grape juice Got a question on canning grape juice. A couple years ago my wife try canning grapes according to the 9th edition of...

Q and A: simple sauerkraut and best way to kill weeds

Simple sauerkraut I found this recipe on line. Is this a safe method? If so, how long will this last kept at room temperature? Simple Sauerkraut: Cabbage Banana...