Canning teriyaki sauce

I’m wanting to can my homemade teriyaki sauce. I’m not sure if I will need to pressure can or water bath it? Or if I can can it at all. The ingredients are as follows.
soy sauce
garlic, minced
ginger shredded
Dawn Sedlacek
Dallas, Oregon

I’m sorry I can’t help you with a canning method for your homemade teriyaki sauce. If it was just the soy sauce and sugar, probably, but when you add fresh minced garlic and ginger (vegetables) that changes things especially when I don’t know how much of each is added. I sure don’t want to guess and get you sick! — Jackie

Canning sweet potatoes

I’ve spend this entire week pressure canning recipes from your book, “Growing and Canning Your Own Food”! I’ve made black currant jam and syrup, raspberry jam, venison taco filling, venison chili, turkey, goose and chicken stocks, canned pinto, chickpea, black and navy beans, and turkey pot pie filling. (That last was my own creation, cobbled together based off of your recommendations for other recipes.) Anywho, I have a quick question on canning sweet potatoes- how long would you pressure can diced sweet potatoes in 1/4 pint jars? I want to can my own small portion jars for convenient baby food, but I couldn’t find times for that small of a jar. (Your book, “Growing and Canning Your Own Food” only has instructions for pints/quarts) Also, I am curious if you have ever heard of Weck canning jars and if so, what your thoughts were on them?

Ault, Colorado

You would process your diced sweet potatoes in the 1/4-pint jars for 65 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. (Of course if you live at an altitude above 1,000 feet you’ll be adjusting your pressure to suit your altitude. As always consult your canning book.) Good for you with all your recent canning! I’m so proud of you. I canned all of my sons’ baby food myself and not only saved a ton of money but was assured that they were getting pure, nutritious food with no chemicals or additives. At the time there were no 1/4-pint jars so I canned in 1/2-pint jars, refrigerating the opened jars in between feedings. Anything that commercial companies put up as baby food can sure be done at home! And as our home canned food tastes so much better, the kiddos sure learn to eat their veggies!

Yes, I’ve heard of Weck jars. They are very attractive versions of the old glass lid, bail clamp jars of our grandmothers’ time. They can certainly be used to can fruits, juices, pickles, and high acid foods. But they are only usable in a boiling water bath canner, not a pressure canner. That and the fact that they are very expensive has prohibited me from buying any. I much prefer standard jars and Tattler reusable canning jar lids. — Jackie


  1. Sidney,

    Thanks for your information. It never mentioned pressure canning with them on the website I visited. They’re still pretty darned expensive for me.

  2. Jackie, thank you so much for all you post. Your efforts are certainly appreciated!

    I just wanted to clarify one point about Weck jars – they are certainly able to be used for pressure canning – that was what they are designed for!!

    However, you should use extra clamps with them when you pressure can (four, instead of just the included two necessary for hwb canning). Not everyone realises that and sometimes it can contribute to seal failure. Personally, I’ve never had a seal failure & I use the same gaskets over & over when pressure canning.

    Just wanted to clear that up! And again, thank you Jackie!!

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