Rain, rain, rain, UGH! I’ve had enough, already. But, hey, it’s been good for the garden. We now have thigh high sweet corn, squash and cucumbers that are starting to run, and very nice potatoes, carrots, and onions, not to mention huge tomato plants that are starting to set tomatoes already. The peppers are so-so, but we haven’t (still) gotten the plastic on our new hoop house. So much to do, so little time between rainstorms!)


We’ve been weeding our squash for the last time and mulching them heavily with partially rotted manure. Will also mulched both sides of our sweet corn rows in the garden. I’m afraid to look at it tomorrow. It will probably be seven feet tall! Corn and squash are both heavy feeders and really benefit from plenty of manure.


I’ve been milking our heifer, Mamba, and aside from two short rear teats, it’s been going fine. (We never got around to teaching her to lead or stand tied, so I just feed her a bucket of grain and milk.) I saved the first milk this morning. It’s going to be so nice to drink plenty of ice cold raw milk again and start making butter and cheese!

I saw the surgeon yesterday and she put the hurry up on my surgery so I could get it over with. Monday morning I’ll be in the hospital getting my gallbladder out — laparoscopically. I read the patient information sheet and was relieved to read that my gallbladder would be disposed of “in a respectful manner.” Oh please! I mentioned that statement to the surgeon and she did a double-take. Then she read it and we both laughed.

Anyway, I’m sure I won’t post on Monday and maybe not until Wednesday so don’t worry. I’m in good hands and am as strong as a horse. (Okay, maybe a Shetland pony…) — Jackie


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jackie, as you go through your surgery. Think of this as a time to get some much needed rest! You and Will work so hard and it shows in your beautiful garden!

  2. I had the same surgery many moons ago…was so quick and an easy recovery. :) You will be back at it in no time.

    The watermelon seeds I purchased from you are doing well…they got a late start but we always have an indian summer here in the Pacific Northwest so I’m hoping I get at least ONE watermelon. :)

  3. Dear Lord,
    We ask that You keep our Jackie in your sight and guide the surgeon’s hands. Let the healing be swift and uneventful. Thank You Lord for Your grace.
    In Jesus’ name we pray,

  4. Your garden looks lovely. your hard work is paying off. Hope your surgery goes well. I will be praying for you.

  5. I haven’t written in awhile, but I try to never miss a post. I enjoyed your sense of humor in this post. :) Your corn and squash are looking great. My Hopi Pale Grey plants are really growing, and I planted radishes all around them, thanks to a tip from one of your readers. Hope the radishes keep those bugs away.
    Wishing you a quick recovery from your surgery.

  6. So happy to see your garden is doing so well. I wish we could get some of your rain, it’s very dry here in PA. But our garden is doing pretty good in spite of that. Jackie our thoughts and prayers are with you and Will as you go through your surgery and recovery. Take care and God Bless, Betsy

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