I was unbelievably depressed Saturday when I started coughing. It felt just like when I had my two-week-long cold that got my gallbladder surgery postponed. Oh no, couldn’t be! Oh yeah? Well, I coughed all night Saturday and called the hospital on Sunday morning, feeling sicker. Then I crawled back into bed feeling sorry for myself. After all that pre-op stuff: physical, blood tests, EKG, making sure all the laundry and dishes were caught up, helping Will hurry up and mulch most of the garden, etc. Big bummer. (It takes a while to psych up for a surgery, for me at least…) Now I’ve got to do it all over again when I get better. Oh well, there probably was a reason for it. Or stuff just happens. I want to thank all of you for your care and prayers for my upcoming surgery. Even though it hasn’t happened yet, I really do appreciate it.

Anyway, the weather’s turned nice and Will’s stopped working on the barn stonework (which I think looks GREAT) and is cutting hay like mad. We’ve had so much rain, it was impossible to get any hay dry prior to this and they’re calling for a whole week of sunny, warm weather. Hooray!


Our garden is doing absolutely wonderful with corn up beyond my waist and big squash starting to run all over the place. Luckily we got it well mulched. Even our pumpkin/corn patch on the new forty looks good. The weeds were trying to get a hold on our pig pasture corn/pumpkin patch so Will went down, first with the Mantis and, when that wasn’t enough, the big Troy-Bilt. Yesterday he started side dressing the plants with rotted manure and they”ll just shoot up. We know this from years of experience.


Oh, I forgot to mention we had a hen turkey come off her nest with 12 babies. The problem is that there wasn’t a turkey poult in the bunch! They were all chicks. She’s evidently found a chicken nest and started sitting on it. Oh well, they don’t care and after losing one weak one the first day, they’re all doing great and feathering out already. We also got 15 Cornish cross, five Black Sex Links and five Americauna pullets which we’re raising in the small chicken coop until they feather out and grow a bit. One of our other turkey hens has a nest out in the bushes somewhere. She pops up from time to time to eat and drink but I haven’t been able to catch her going back to her nest. I sure hope there are a turkey eggs in that nest! — Jackie


  1. So sorry to hear about the postponement. It does take some gearing up for surgery and then to not have it after all…it’s hard. So very sorry.

  2. Wow, Will does such great and good looking work, he’s a true craftsman. That barn is amazing. And huge!!!. It’s so interesting to look back at photos of when you started. Sure wish my garden looked as good as yours. My winter squash plants are a 90% failure again this year due to spring weather and I gave up on corn. Even the zucchini aren’t producing. The bugs enjoyed the cool, wet spring and are everywhere in huge numbers. It’s scary to look at a garden where there’s nothing much to eat in mid-July and not much prospect of food before the first hard freeze. Two growing seasons like this and you really understand why Jackie says to can everything you possibly can when you have the food.

  3. So sorry you are feeling lousy Jackie! Will’s work on the barn is impressive,it sure could be a nice home for 2 legged folks. I’m sure the 4 legged ones are strutting around feeling pretty special! your gardens look great, I’m jealous we have sand I can mulch till the cows come home and I still have SAND.lol
    Feel better soon.

  4. Aw, so sorry things didn’t go as planned for your surgery. Just have to trust that there’s a reason. Hoping that you’re feeling better very soon! Thanks for the great photos. Loved seeing how things are looking at your place. The barn is so beautiful!

  5. Yikes getting sick after having all the pre-ops done is a bummer. I will be praying for you. Your garden is coming along and you will have that gall blader out before you know it. The stonework is gorgeous.

  6. It may little to no comfort, but as far as the medical workup is concerned, usually if the surgery is within 30 days of the tests, you are still ok.

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