Monthly Archives: December 2014

We’ll have a white Christmas

After a day without snow and rain, which is unheard of here in northern Minnesota this time of the year, we got a two-inch...

We had an unexpected visitor

Will went out our driveway to take some work to our local machine shop. When he returned, he told me there were the tracks...

Q and A: dirt piles in chicken coop and blastomycosis

Dirt piles in chicken coop I live in Oregon and have a question about finding 8-inch-high and 12-inch-wide piles of dirt inside my chicken house....

Nothing like home-raised chicken

I roasted two chickens yesterday. We ate part of one for supper last night with rice and carrots. Wow, was that good! Today I'll...

So far we’ve had an on-and-off-again winter

Our temps started out real cold; down to -25 and windy. Brrr. But lately we've been having much more moderate temps and we're maybe...