
After a day without snow and rain, which is unheard of here in northern Minnesota this time of the year, we got a two-inch snowfall. Luckily, today the sun’s out and it’s pretty and not too cold. Our critters are happy and fat and seem to enjoy the fresh snow. The horses are running around bucking and playing and even the cows are joining them. (It’s pretty funny to see a big cow with her bag swinging back and forth, bucking and jumping with her tail kinked up in the air!)

We knew the snow was coming so we carried in extra wood and while I ran to town for feed, Will brought in the Christmas tree and got it set up. It seems like every year we have a prettier tree! This year, it’s a locally grown pine. Our own Christmas tree selection is dim; some nice trees are too big and others, too small. Maybe next year we can go out and cut our own again. But we’re happy to have a neighbor to the North that has a small Christmas tree farm. We get a nice fresh tree and keep the bucks local!

I’m excited; we’ll be picking up our beef from the processing plant on Friday! We’ve sold seven quarters of our natural beef, saving a quarter for ourselves. So I’ll be delivering beef Friday and Saturday as well as bringing ours home. Yum, I can’t wait! (We’ve also started selling quarters and halves from the next two butcher steers. Many are repeat customers, so that makes us feel good.)

Keep watching the box at the top of the blog as our new seed business, which we’ve named SEED TREASURES (we believe seeds are more valuable than gold), is up and running with many more selections this year! Click on the link. But if you can’t open it, just e-mail us at seedtreasures@yahoo.com and I’ll see you get a listing. — Jackie


  1. Bobbie,

    I’m so excited about your new homestead. Hey, my first one had no windows in it, rats in the walls and a foot of yucky water in the basement; no running water or indoor bathroom. But I loved it and when we left it was beautiful! Don’t let age bother you. We might be older but we’re a whole lot smarter than we were when we were twenty!!!
    Happy Hollidays to you both!

  2. Cindy,

    We could meet you in Duluth or further south in MN, but going to WI would be too far to drive and still keep the cost down for you. We charge $4.00 a pound for either quarters or halves (hanging weight), cut to your specifications, packaged and wrapped by a professional. We are now taking orders for two steers going in to slaughter on January 6th. So far, one quarter is sold.

  3. Your tree IS Beautiful — your house is lovely as well. Congratulations on your beef sales. We have made an offer on a 20-acre (old 1950s, run-down farm, actually “run-down” is putting it mildly) and hope to raise our own beef, pork and chickens. You have truly inspired us and we are looking forward to our new journey (IF OUR HOUSE SELLS). Never mind that we are both in our late 60’s — we are healthy and ready for the next chapter in our lives.
    Happy Holidays!

  4. Jackie, Do you come to WI with beef? Can I ask how much you charge? You can email personally if you don’t want it out in public. It is so hard to find GOOD things to eat. I wanted to wish you and Will a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Your goat is sure cute!!

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