Glass Gem corn

Is that Glass Gem corn edible or just beautiful?

Carolyn Simpson

Glass Gem popcorn is definitely edible. Not only can you make popcorn with it but you can also grind it for cornmeal. A totally win-win for this pretty corn. — Jackie

Recanning bottled fruit juice drinks

I would like to add bottled fruit drinks to my storage supplies, but they have short shelf lives. Could I re-can these to extend this time? I would like to have this on hand for my 5 grandchildren if the need occurred. They would be a source of additional vitamins, plus being a “treat” for them to have. I have several expired bottles that seem to have developed some sediment in the bottom. I am unsure if this shows it is no longer safe to use.

Will’s latest project of insulating pipes seems overwhelming to me!! Glad I am in Florida. Best to you both.

Judith Almand
Lithia, Florida

Although canned fruit juices would be a better (healthier) choice for drinks for everyone, canning store-bought juice drinks, which don’t usually contain much juice; thus the name “drink”, wouldn’t really help much. A better choice would be to pick up some packs of Kool Aid or another powdered drink such as Tang, etc. They will stay good indefinitely. Then in emergency situations, you can just mix with water and everyone can enjoy a treat.
I doubt that the sediment in the bottom of your expired bottles of fruit drink means they are no longer good; it’s just probably the solids settling out after a long time on the shelf.

The insulating job is finally DONE and the driveway looks great. Whew! It was a big job…and well done if I do say so myself. — Jackie


  1. I never buy fruit drinks. I always buy 100% juice and recan in smaller jars as I buy by the gallon. There is no sugar in it.

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