A good friend of mine in Wyoming had gotten some sundried tomatoes from a market, from Turkey. She asked me if I thought the seeds would grow. I didn’t know for sure, but she planted them. And guess what? They grew and she transplanted them out into her garden where they soon set wonderful and abundant fruit. They are an oval-shaped, red paste tomato with no blemishes or cracks and great flavor. To prove it, she shipped me a whole box full, very carefully individually wrapped and packaged. She said she didn’t know if I would get catsup or tomatoes! Well, the box came and they were perfect! Of course I saved seeds, then went on to make salsa from them, skins and all, mixed with onions and peppers as usual. It was, without a doubt, the best salsa I’ve ever had! So, yes, the Turkish tomatoes will be added to our seed catalog for next year. Will wants to call them Turkish Sundried so we’ll see…

These are the Turkish tomatoes my friend sent me.
I was really impressed with the Turkish tomatoes.

We’ve been drying and shelling beans like mad. Every day and night, often until 11 PM. But no mold so far and the beans look great. The sun’s supposed to come out tomorrow and that’ll be a huge relief. I’ll swear my toes are growing webs! Even Spencer, our Lab, doesn’t like going out; it’s too wet. You all know I’m not a “the sky is falling” kind of person but both Will and I foresee a big food shortage coming up so be sure to stock up while you can, guys. And grow a big garden next year.

Our whole house is full of harvest and more to come!

Yesterday, Will harvested seeds from dozens of Wapsi Wonder muskmelons. We tried these for the first time this year and were really happy with the size and flavor, despite the drought, in the new Wolf garden. They’re a definite keeper. And the chickens are real happy with all the leftovers! — Jackie


  1. My knee continues to improve. I’m sorry to hear you had some challenges this past year and I hope next spring is much happier for you.

  2. SO glad you are back in the saddle! The innumerable prayers are paying off for your health, and strength to keep plugging.
    I can not imagine doing the 9 gardens, hauling water during drought and now having produce waiting on the vines. Sure wish there was a 4-H group or high school football team that could carry in for you. Would there be room in the heated greenhouse to place excess produce until you could get it seeded etc?
    My saved seeds are in ziplocks in the freezer, but I need to order some different seeds yet too, as I agree with you, and sense the whole country is ill-at-ease about our shortages.
    Am planting garlic soon, no frost here in the Des Moines area but was in high 30’s this a.m.
    Thanks for taking the time to keep us all informed…and energized! If THEY are doing all that, I’d better keep a-moving too!

    • Yes, prayers sure do work! We are putting extra pumpkins and squash in the greenhouse and I’ll be putting in the extra tomatoes, too as we can heat it during the cold nights. Good luck planting your garlic!

    • Yes, we hope to have our new seed catalog out in early December. Don’t forget you can always check our website, which I try to keep updated, to see new stuff and lots of photos. That’s http://www.seedtreasures.com. All you need to do is email me your address and I’ll put you on the list for getting the 2022 catalog.

  3. Selena, My Grandmother (b. 1889) would walk down the street on Sunday nights when in her 80’s to – in her words- babysit the old folks – at the nursing home while the owners went to church. She & my Grandfather homesteaded on an Adirondack farm in the early 1900’s. Guess that’s where I get it from :)

    • lol.. my Grandpa gave up gardening, mowing, and snow removal at age 87. He always worked two jobs – be it farm/factory or factory/factory. During WWII he also had a third job. I also know where my work ethic comes from. You grandmother was born a bit earlier than my Grandpa but both were still in good shape even in their 80s (and 90s for my Grandpa).

    • Yep, Mom was ordering new fancy daylilies when she was 94 and actively gardened herself when 89 so, gee, I know where I got it from. Not to mention my elderly grandmothers who also gardened and canned like mad!

  4. I hope your knee is healing well. You’all have been busy! We’ve had a dry summer, but my garden did really well and I’m about to go out and harvest the last of the peppers. That will make the yard birds happy because they get the garden plot for foraging. I hope it dries back out a little for you. My Rufus doesn’t like to go out when it’s wet either.

    • Yes, the knee is doing very well unless I push it, which I try not to do. We’re amazed and grateful for our astounding harvest despite everything. The sun’s back out and the ground’s drying up some so that’s a huge plus.

  5. @Marilyn Campbell – you remember your grandmother talking about “old people”? I remember my Grandpa talking about them and at the time, he was in his late 80s lol.. In his late 80s, he decided he’d had enough of growing a garden, mowing, and plowing snow. Hard to lose a grandparent but IMHO, really had when one is age 50+.

    Yes, possible food shortages next year and sad to say, shortages of real food (aka not potato chips and what I call not real food). I might need to try my hand at starting those paste tomatoes. I’ll bump a few catnip plants lol…

    • Addendum – he lived to age 95 lest anyone thought he checked out in his late 80s. Despite blood relatives living to age 100, he didn’t want to. Hard for me but I respected his decision.

      • Selena, My Grandmother (b. 1889) would walk down the street on Sunday nights when in her 80’s to – in her words- babysit the old folks – at the nursing home while the owners went to church. She & my Grandfather homesteaded on an Adirondack farm in the early 1900’s. Guess that’s where I get it from :)

  6. So sorry didn’t realize I’d hit post before reading. I meant to say if we could just tilt the earth a bit so we here in Oregon could get some of your rain. We planted our Hopi Pale Grey seeds we’d gotten from you and they went nuts. We’re sharing with all like minded people here. We love the flavor!

    • Those Hopis are our very favorite squash in the world. We have some kind of close favorites but they’re the real deal!

  7. I concur very difficult times are coming. Very difficult. But, as for the household of God all will be well as we lean completely on Him. But as we know, that doesn’t remove our responsibility to take care of ourselves acc. To His wisdom. We’re in looking into better states. Pretty remote. Freedom minded people. And self reliant like you and Will. Probably have a buyer for our house and mountain property. Really enjoy your blog.

  8. Jackie, was we good tilted the earth a little so we here in Oregon could have some of your rain, we are sooo dry. We purchased, from you Hopi Pale Grey which went nuts We love it and are sharing our seeds with like minded people.

  9. Greetings, Jackie,
    Do you ever grow parsnip? My Hubby is allergic to carrots and Parsnip is a good substitute. However, I cannot get it to germinate, if it does, I rarely get anything larger than a finger. Do you have any recommendations?
    Thank you,

    • Yes, I sometimes grow parsnips. They, like carrots, are a little tricky to germinate. First off, don’t plant them too early. Wait till the soil warms up some, cultivating the spot well meanwhile to kill off weedlings. Then plant only about 1/2″ deep and water in nicely. Then make sure the row gets enough watering to keep it evenly moist but not soggy until you see seedlings coming up. Be careful choosing a variety as some only make small roots. Other varieties give you more bang for the buck. Try Harris Model and All American.

  10. My list of seeds is growing and growing. I love when you showcase a certain seed!!! I really like the looks of those tomatoes! Oh boy.

    I had some major set backs this year with deaths in the family and my health. But am looking forward to giving it a try in the spring again with modifications of course.

    How is your knee? You know your house is really decorated for the Harvest season!! My grand kids would love it!

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