Yesterday, our friend Dick called to see if we were still interested in getting a few of his rare breed chickens. Of course, I said yes! They are Whiting True Blues, bred by Tom Whiting in Colorado for fly tying. They were originally a cross between White Leghorns and Americaunas. Although I was expecting blue chickens, I found out that they come in a variety of coloration. Ours are kind of a brownish, barred with cream. And, on the way, one of the three hens laid an egg. And it was the exceptional light blue color the breed is known for producing!

This is the first box of eggs we’ve given to friends this spring.

Our friends, Mike, Dara, and Sherri came to help pack seeds today and as Sherri does not yet have chickens, I gave her a box of eggs from our chickens, which have started laying nicely, including the beautiful blue egg. That was fun. I can’t wait to hear what her husband says!

Sherri, holding the first Whiting True Blue egg.

Today I’ve started planting tomato seeds, in alphabetical order so I can keep them in order, both in transplanting and in the garden. As we grow so many different varieties, it’s important to keep them in order, especially in the garden, so we can find them to show people and harvest. Who’d have thought, huh? — Jackie


  1. Organization is vital to life in general!! Nothing I hate more than wasting time trying to find an item I know I have and cannot locate whether it is a tool, clothing item, special baking pan, sewing tool, fabric or office supply. Key to organization is putting things back where they go immediately when you’re done using them.

    I can’t comprehend how it would be possible to operate your seed business without being extremely organized. I suppose that is true of any business, but with so many different varieties of one type/variety of seed/plant absolutely necessary.

    Another organization trick I use is to have duplicates of items used in different places. For instance, I have kitchen scissors, garden scissors (garage), paper scissors (desk) and sewing shears. I have pliers in the kitchen, in my car, in the garage and in the basement workshop. It was irritating to need pliers upstairs and have to go to the basement for them, so the simple solution was to duplicate a fairly inexpensive item. Key is putting them back where they go!

    • Our seeds are quite organized, but our lives are NOT. Boy, I wish I had time to BE more organized. But, amidst the confusion, I generally know where I’ve put things. Thank GOD!!

  2. Can’t speak for other areas but egg prices (that weren’t bad considering what some were paying) have dropped in price. To the point excess being donated to some local (as in small rural) food pantries that have enough refrigerator space.
    Organization is vital to homesteading – be it large scale or do-what-you-can size. You know what tools etc you have AND can find them. You budget your money as well as time management – if you struggle to keep up with what you already have, adding more (garden, animals) won’t do you a lick of good. You maintain the equipment/vehicles you already have. If you can’t do all of the above, you’ll not benefit. Sure, sometimes weather, health/family issues happen but if you’re organized, you weather the “bumps” as best can be.

    • We try to keep our gardens and seed business very organized. We’d go crazy, otherwise. I won’t speak to the congestion in Will’s storage barn. But, somehow he always seems to find the tool or item he needs, even if it hasn’t been used in years. It amazes me!

      Our egg prices were horrid, over $7.99 a dozen in many stores. They’re lower now, but it goes to show you how quickly things we take for granted can come up missing or soar in price.

  3. We have 3 “Easter egger” hens and each one lays a different shade of blue egg. I feel blessed every time I reach in to the nesting boxes and pull out an Easter egg! Enjoy yours! Also we received our seed order and have planted the tomatoes, I’m so excited for the new varieties. Thank you!

    • You’re very welcome Rachael. We love passing our seeds into others’ hands, hopefully to grow fabulous gardens. I, too, love the varying color of our eggs, from nearly white to green and blue. So cool!

  4. Those eggs are beautiful. I need to had a few hens to my flock. I’m down to just 2 hens due to varmits. I have fixed my pen and now hopefully it’s weasel proof. Have fun planting. Prayers for a great week.

    • Those weasels!! They can get through a hole the size of a quarter and can kill a bunch of chickens in short order. We’re lucky as our cat, Mittens, is a wonderful weasel hunter. Thanks for your prayers. I hope you can get some real nice hens to replace the ones you lost.

  5. Wow….beautiful egg and so are the others. Looks like Easter has come early. Don’t work too hard :) and take care of yourselves.

    • I’m so grateful my knee is getting better and better. The leg and foot aren’t swelling when I sit up too much and I can do more of what I need to do without having to lie down. What a relief that is!! I was getting kind of bored!!

  6. Oh, those blue eggs also peel like a dream when hard-boiled. Congrats on the new additions…especially with egg prices as they have been. It sure is great that you are able to organize so well…who knew you would need that on a homestead. Blessings.

    • Those hens are laying nicely, even after having been moved. That often causes them to stop laying for awhile. These are going right to work.

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