6  Editor’s Note

7  Editorial:
Perspectives on the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting

49  Irreverent joke page

34  Ayoob on Firearms:
Testing your guns

55  Making a Living
Lynette McPherson: Knitter

60  Ask Jackie:
Canning in half-gallon jars, preserving coop floor, steam canning, stronger jars, etc.

80  The Last Word:
Concealed carry laws reduce crime

85  Advertiser Index

82  Letters

84  Classified ads (pdf)

84  Classified advertising form

86-94  BHM anthologies & books

95-96  Order form/Subscription Info

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Cover 143
This cover, painted by Don Childers, was inspired by the lead article in this issue. Apples on your homestead, by Jackie Clay-Atkinson, is the first in a series of articles about homestead orchards and fruit production. Don painted this cover on poster board using gouache paint, which is similar to watercolor but modified to make it opaque.


28  Homestead security for women
By Donna Insco

40  Reel in a sucker: Fishing for carp
By Frank Knebel

66  Homemade fruit vinegar
By Patrice Lewis

76  Picking your pressure canner
By James Kash


50  Build a balcony deck
By Dorothy Ainsworth

57  Build a pizza oven
By Mike Lorenzen

Farm and garden

8  Apples on your homestead
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson

Alternative energy

44  Build a passive-solar food dehydrator
By Jeff Yago, P.E., CEM

Food and recipes

20  Making hard cider
By Matt Purkeypile

24  Soups from the garden
By Sylvia Gist

62  Vegetarian chili
By Richard Blunt

72  Pear overload
By Dani Payne