Canning bone broth

I have a question about canning bone broth. After making a pot of it I have 6 qts. and was wondering if I have to pressure can it or can I water bath it? And if so for how long for either?

Jan DeBrie

You MUST pressure can any meat or poultry product and all vegetables that are not pickled to be safe from deadly bacteria. To can it, you’ll be processing your quarts for 25 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. If you live at an altitude of 1,000 feet or more, consult your canning book for directions on increasing your pressure to suit your altitude.– Jackie

Goats treated with penicillin

How long milk withdrawal do you recommend for goats treated with penicillin every other day for one week? By the way, the seeds we got from you all sprouted wonderfully. Looking forward to some new type tomatoes and finally to be able to taste your Hopi squash.

Glen Heck
Natchitoches, Louisiana

It’s great to hear your seeds are off to a good start. I hope you have good gardening weather this year!

The usual recommended withholding time for milk from goats injected with penicillin is five days. — Jackie

Canning fish

I want to try canning fish but it appears (but I could be wrong) that only freshly caught fish can be canned? My question is can fish purchased at a supermarket or fish market be pressure canned if USDA recommended times and pressures are followed?

Michelle Neal
Buffalo, New York

Of course freshly-caught fish will be best but if you can eat store-bought fish, you can certainly can it. As you indicated, you’ll be using approved methods and times so you’ll be fine. — Jackie