Stocking the pantry

I have recently unplugged my 13 foot upright freezer and turned it into a pantry. I want to have a four month supply of canned goods for two adults. So far, I have a good start of canned veggies, fruits, and meat. Also, extra crackers and cereal, two small boxes of powdered milk. The door is stocked with pork and beans and soup. What would you add to this stock?

Iris Starks

In addition to your stock of canned foods, I would certainly add powdered margarine, a few cans of shortening, flour, sugar, jams, tomato sauces (like spaghetti sauce with meat), pasta, rice, baking powder, yeast, egg powder, bacon flavored TVPs (textured vegetable protein; i.e. soy; bacon bits), salt and spices. You REALLY get sick of stored canned goods in a short order, when that’s all you have to eat.

I would also add more dry milk, as you’d be surprised at how much you use in cooking. You’ve got a great start. Keep up the good work and use your imagination! — Jackie

Canning sausage

A friend gave me about 10 pounds of sausage and it is frozen. I can’t use that much at one time, so I would like to know how to can it once I thaw it out?

Lyn Lord

The easiest way to can sausage is to thaw it, shape it into patties a little larger than the mouth of a wide mouthed pint canning jar. Then gently brown the patties, just until they’ve shrunk down and are beginning to brown nicely. Then stack them in your clean jars, to within an inch of the top of the jar. Add a cup or two of water to the fat and brownings in the frying pan and gently bring to a boil, stirring well. To each jar of patties, add about 4 Tbsp of this liquid. Seal the jars and process in a pressure canner at 10 pounds (unless you live at an altitude over 1,000 feet, then check your canning manual for directions for adjusting the pressure to your altitude, if necessary). Process pint jars for 90 minutes. — Jackie


  1. What if there is sage in that sausage? You said you can’t can sage as it gets bitter. I have not been able to find a sausage with out sage or a recipe to make it my self.

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