A lot of you have e-mailed for information and said you really want to come, but the spaces are dwindling, and if you do want to join us in May, this would be a good time to send in your deposit so you aren’t disappointed. If you missed the previous announcement of this seminar, feel free to e-mail me for a flyer. It promises to be a good time for all and plenty of information will be flying around here those three days!

Our warm weather’s continuing, and I’ve been canning meat like mad. So much for “energy efficient” ratings on new appliances! We’re having to run our generator way too much and considering the price of gas lately, that’s horrible!

Will has started working on the new barn again, and soon we’ll be able to start screwing down floor boards in the new hay loft. Once the floor is down, we’ll start making trusses for the very top of the roof. How exciting! — Jackie