Canning with broth instead of water

When canning low acid foods, can I use flavored broths instead of plain water for the liquid? For instance, I want to can some pinto beans. I would like to use flavored broth that consists of water, smoked ham hock, onion, bay leaves, salt and a bit of garlic. I would strain the liquid of course so the only thing going in the canned pinto bean jar would be liquid only, no bits. Is that okay? Same question with chicken broth. Can I use chicken broth instead of plain water to can some of soups, veggies, etc. (again, the broth will be strained, not bits).

Melissa Godfrey
Maumelle, Arkansas

Yes, you can substitute flavored broths for water. Just be sure to process each batch for the length of time required for each ingredient needing the longest processing time. — Jackie

Fertile eggs

I have added a couple roosters to my flock. They are just starting to become ‘interested’ in the girls. Their job is to protect the girls as they free range. I’m not looking for them to make little chicks. Do I need to do anything special to the eggs now that there are roo’s on the scene?

Dawn Norcross
Orion, Illinois

Nope. You’ll have fertile eggs which could be used to produce chicks, but that won’t change anything regarding the egg’s care. Do be careful that there aren’t predators around. Roosters will try to protect their flock but are no match for a hawk, the neighbor’s dogs, or a fox. — Jackie

Corn tasseling early

We planted sweet corn May 1st (we are a month ahead in MO this yr). It is 2½ feet tall and starting to tassel! It is NOT short corn. It was Peaches and Cream. Should we pull it out now and re-plant in hopes that we get late corn? Our second planting was June 1st and it is 4 inches high and looks pretty good despite the drought we are experiencing. We are watering the best we can but it isn’t rain.

J from Missouri

Yep, I probably would do that as it probably won’t produce much for you. Corn usually does this from lack of either fertility or water — probably water as you are in drought. Try an early variety (60-65 days) to play catch up. Then try to keep water on it. Mulching it as soon as you can will help to hold in the moisture so it doesn’t evaporate. I’d sure like to send you some of our 8 inches of rain! — Jackie


  1. We have a rooster that actually fought off a fox, which had one of our laying hens. He ran over, jumped on that fox and started fighting it..that fox ran off and the hen was fine. He is kinda mean and will come after people or even our big dog..but after that he gets to live a little longer.
    Missy in HOT DRY southwest is forecast to be 103 today

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