Monthly Archives: January 2014

Q and A: trouble with Ball lids and purchasing #10 cans

Trouble with Ball lids Regarding ask Jackie letter, Trouble with Ball lids in Jan/Feb magazine. I had the same reliability problems with Ball lids. Ordered...

Have you seen the Glass Gem Corn?

It takes quite a bit to WOW me after all these years. But I recently saw a mention of it in Farm Show and...

Q and A: canning teriyaki sauce and canning sweet potatoes

Canning teriyaki sauce I'm wanting to can my homemade teriyaki sauce. I'm not sure if I will need to pressure can or water bath it?...

There’s beauty outside even when the high is -18 degrees

Sure it's cold, but the sun's out and it looks beautiful today. We had 40 mph winds with snow yesterday and there's lots of...

Q and A: buttermilk cheese, turkey gravy, and discouragement in homesteading

Buttermilk cheese I made butter and had a lot of rich buttermilk leftover. I poured very hot water into the churn and the solids separated...