We are so excited to welcome the newest member of the family. She weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and is so cute. Both Mom and Delilah are doing well, and I got to drive over on Sunday to get my first peek. Wow, have I missed holding and feeding a new baby! She is very good and let me feed her then she got bored and went to sleep. David and Elizabeth are thrilled parents. Will wanted to go with me but our seed orders have been arriving in big batches of big orders. So as not to get behind, he stayed home and packed seeds.

We were so overwhelmed that friends, Mike and Dara offered to come over and help get us current again yesterday. So we packed and stamped envelopes and packaged seeds. All day. Mike stamped envelopes in which the seeds were packaged. Dara filled tomato seed envelopes while Will recorded orders on the spreadsheet. I kept busy filling mailing envelopes with seed packets and refilling empty seed envelopes of various crops like squash, beans, kale, and lettuce. We took a break for a frozen pizza. (Hey, I haven’t even had time to wash dishes in a week!) Not complaining though as this is going far to help pay for the Big Pines forty acres!

I was a little worried as it got below zero last night and the baby goat, Nuevo, has been staying out in the goat pen with his mom. Luckily, he got acclimated to the outside during warmer weather but I was still worried as it hadn’t been anywhere near that cold. But this morning I went out and he bounced out the door, waiting to have me feed Mom so he could nurse. She still won’t let him nurse unless she’s in the milking stanchion. But we’ve got a process worked out and it only takes minutes. He handled the cold like a trooper! — Jackie
Congratulations on the birth of Ms. Delilah! How wonderful! She’s beautiful!. Wow hard to believe David is 30 and a Dad!. Makes me realize how long I have followed you!
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