There’s reason homestead-minded folks seldom consider moving to Northern Minnesota. Yep, we’ve got lots of lakes, rivers, and government land, both State and Federal. Lots of wildlife and woods. But unfortunately, we have a very famous tough winter. Last night it was -40 at our place, with a little wind. We kept both the living room and kitchen wood stoves going all night. Mittens glared at Will from her wheelbarrow when he told her to get out because it was so cold outside. She wouldn’t get out. But, boy, did she ever show up at the window with the bird feeder tray in record time, even for her. (She thinks it’s her private door. She hops up there and pretty soon I notice her and slide the window open so she can get in.) The deer come pretty quick when we call them for feed. I’m sure they use up the calories when it’s this cold!

We saw one of the young wolves out on the beaver pond this morning. He was burying something, probably a bone, in the long grass and snow. Then he trotted away down the creek. That was exciting but last week, we saw not only all four young wolves but their parents and another adult wolf, making seven at once. It was almost dark so I couldn’t get any pictures. Pretty cool! We did call the dogs back home the next morning as they were out there, peeing on the “signpost,” a dead stump sticking out of the ice. I think every male wolf peed on it! The dogs were also signing in.

I’ve been busy packing seeds. As you can guess, after our seed catalog came out, a lot of orders have started coming in. I want to make sure we have lots already packaged so picking orders is faster and easier. I’m trying to get ahead as my TAVR heart valve procedure is on Wednesday. I don’t know why I thought it was Thursday. I went for my labs today, luckily in Virginia (the town, not state). I’m hoping all goes well so I can quickly get back to things.

I hope everyone plants a big garden this year, so they not only have enough for their own family but some to share with friends, neighbors, and relatives. I know I plan on doing just that, including a big wheat patch. I feel unsettled about a lot of world things. — Jackie
Best of luck on your procedure. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Got my seed catalog!!! Thanks
Thank you Deborah! All prayers are gratefully accepted.
prayers for a speedy Healthy recovery from yesterdays procedure. i am positive God was with you then, and always. thank YOU Jackie for al you do. STAY WARM!
Thanks Mary. I’m sure He was. Things went well but I’m kind of shaky. I’m confident this will pass.
Prayers for you and when you get time can you please send me a catalog. 8803 Hwy 1 cook
Thanks John! I’ll put a catalog in tomorrow’s mail.
God will be with you and guide the hands of your surgeons.
Hoping that things will go good in the next four years but we have so many enemies never know what will happen. Prayers for you and your family.
PS. My daughter orders some of your seeds and I have your cook and garden books.
Sending prayers for a successful procedure and a complete and speedy recovery. Seed order is almost complete and will be on its way soon. Stay safe and warm.
Good luck today on your procedure. When you’re up and around again it’ll be that much closer to spring.
Praying your procedure goes well a n for a quick and full recovery. Stay warm!
I’ll be praying for you Jackie!
May God guide the hands of your care givers for your safe and healthy recovery. Only -17 here. The wood pile shrinks faster with the cold. Best wishes.
Where can I get your seed catalog?
You can visit or email
Thanks Selena!
God be with you tomorrow.
Thanks Debra. I’m sure He will be. But I’ll sure be glad when this is over!
It was about 10 degrees warmer here by earlier morning than you were. I’m glad you have the stoves going and keeping warm. I agree being in the north one has to deal with more cold than some places but seems cold in a lot of places not accustomed to cold this year.
The kitty knows when it’s time to come in and be warm. I feed one calico I see come out back and she has a radiant heater if chooses to stay warm since very feral.
I put plenty of food out for deer or any animals needing food in this cold.
I pray the Lord have his hand on your procedure being done tomorrow and all goes very well.
I’m so excited just got your catalog and excited to start ordering when I get my check.
I 100 % agree with you on growing a large garden and sharing with anyone I can as well.
There is so much uncertainty one needs to do what is needed and then some.
Take care, stay warm and safe travels tomorrow as you go for your procedure.
Thank you so much Cindy. Fortunately, they are saying our low tonight will be only -7 F. What a blessing after -40 and -30. I’ll be glad when everything is over and I’m back to better than normal, as the doctor says. I’m looking forward to that, for sure.
Hope your procedure goes well! Here in Copper Basin Alaska we have been having wierd weather. A couple weeks ago we went from -37 to +37 in less than 48 hours. Had ice storms two week ends in a row and last night’s +15 is the coldest it’s been in a week! Your arctic vortex is pulling warm Pacific air up behind it!
Thanks Howard. It seems like there’s weird weather everywhere. I just saw a live broadcast from Florida, where it’s snowing! It’s hard to imagine temperature changes like you had. But we’ve had them too. I, for one, am sure looking forward to spring!
Your TAVR will go fine. I was very nervous for my husband who had one many years ago. But he did well and walked that afternoon to a regular home and then was allowed home the next day. Yes he was a bit tired from a heart procedure. But he did well in cardiac rehab and bounced back. His heart never bothered him after that. Dementia and a head injury from falling killed him.
This is my 2nd year with my new life so I am ready to try my hand at gardening again!
God be with you during your procedure! Praying for you Cindy
Thank you so much Cindy. You’ll find gardening restores your soul. I know it sure did mine after losing my husband, Bob.
My husband was whining about 17 below! We’ve had cold since Fri. and that’s enough for us. I did manage some sewing/craft projects.
Best of luck, Jackie, on surgery…I’ll be thinking of you for fast recovery.
Thanks Dorothy. I’m sure not looking forward to the procedure but know I’d best take care of it before it causes serious problems for me.
We’re in a warming trend. Tonight, the low is only supposed to be -5. Hurray!! Our high today was a balmy -7.
Prayers for your safe surgery and quick, healthy recovery.
Thanks Susan. I don’t like to call it a “surgery” as I envision cutting and stitching. This valve goes through my artery so just a couple of little pokes, not slashing open. Yea!!
Lord Jesus, I ask you to clear a smooth way for Jackie as she goes through this procedure. I ask for wisdom for the doctors and for safe travel there and back home. Thank you for the blessing of harvest that comes from Seed Treasures every year. Thank you for the promise held in each seed that is so carefully harvested and cured for our use. Thank you for your kind love for us. Amen
Oh Nancy, that’s so wonderful!! I can’t say more other than Amen.
Sending prayers to you and Will for safe travels and a successful procedure tomorrow, Jackie! Stay warm!
Thanks so much guys. It looks much warmer tonight and tomorrow. That’ll help things a lot.
Thinking of you and your procedure. Just know there’s lots of us praying. We are having record cold. Putting out lots of quality bird seed. Sunflower seeds, peanuts predominantly for extra calories. We will be looking forward to seed starting and Spring
Me too! I’m already planning on what goes where in our little indoor greenhouses and what I’ll be planting seeds in this year. Our birds have been very hungry and have doubled their intake of seeds and suet. I sure don’t blame them. (I think the deer have us on speed dial!) This morning, they were out there before we were even dressed.
I remember, in Montana, I woke up to see a deer peering in the door to the deck, looking at us in bed. She’d climbed up six steps then walked down the whole deck, knowing just where we were. Gee, I wonder what she wanted??? Yep, more feed.
Good luck Jackie, everything will go well tomorrow and you will be up and at ’em in no time! Sending prayers.
Prayers are with you and Will tomorrow.
Thanks so much Ruthie!! I sure appreciate those prayers.
Good luck, tomorrow! I’ll be sending positive vibes your way. . . .
Thank you, Diane,! I think they’re already working as the weather’s warming up.
Hi Miss Jackie, I’m am praying for an easy procedure on Wednesday. I also want to say that your unsettled feeling is shared by many of us. Thanks for sounding the alarm. Pyro
Thanks Pyro. You know I’m not a doom and gloom sort of person at all. But I just get this feeling a squirrel must have before a real bad winter. Get those nuts gathered!! For us, it’s always plant more beans….
will keep you and your care team in prayers on Wednesday for an easy procedure and speedy recovery.
Thanks so much Katherine. We scheduled this procedure so it would be in our “slow” time. Ha ha ha!! But packing seeds isn’t so physical as tilling and planting. Or harvesting.
Wishing you a quick procedure and speedy recovery. Just got my catalog yesterday and what a happy guy I am. Can’t imagine -41. 24 degrees here in the foothills of Western Washington. That’s pretty cold for us but still no snow and we usually will get a foot or two by now.
At first I thought a newbie cat had shown up at your place. I’ve been feeding extra these past few cold days (not as cold as you are but still darn cold). The cull buck shows up to get his fill before the does and fawns do. But plenty out there. The cardinals and other birds hit the extra seed and the refilled water. Saw a big hawk – likely red-tailed yesterday consuming a bit then flying off with its kill.
We may get some flurries on Wednesday but our ground is bare of snow.
I’m getting worried about another drought. We only have about six inches of snow on the ground and should have feet by now. We’re due for a warm up but right now the deer and birds are sure going through the feed, trying to keep warm. Me too!
We saw a Great Gray Owl on our driveway. But, darn, I didn’t have my camera or even phone. Phooey!
I have a Cooper’s Hawk who likes to feast upon mourning doves. To me it is cannibalism but I guess not to the hawk. Mice and chipmunks are laying low during the cold I guess.
Weather peeps show precipitation next Monday/Tuesday, we’ll see. Temps of high 30s, aka a bit warm, so if it happens, it will be rain.