It’s amazing what you can get done with a few nice days

After feeling pressured from being so behind in a lot of things, with these warm, sunny days, so unusual for northern Minnesota, we're finally getting caught up. Whew! That feels so much better. Yesterday,...

The sun is out!

Hooray! Sunshine! It seems forever since we've seen it. And, living off grid, having long periods of cloudy weather means it's generator time when I want to wash clothes. Yep, I put it off,...

Hey, it’s still raining

Although we were in drought, weeks of snow and rain sure has made everything soggy around here. Will has been trying to get our big round bales hauled home from the fields and has...

This time of the year, it’s “winter’s coming mode”

We're rushing more lately, knowing that our wonderful fall weather may come to a screeching halt sometime way too soon. Although the forecast is for warmer weather all this week, we're feeling the pinch....

Our storm turned out to be a non-event

While folks in the Twin Cities were experiencing blizzard conditions and lots of snow, we woke up to a bit of wind but only about half an inch of snow. That was a surprise,...