Monthly Archives: June 2018

Perfect growing weather continues

We've been really happy with this summer. We are getting warm days, cool nights, and enough rain to keep all the gardens happy. Yesterday...

Our gardens are doing fantastic

We're so happy to have our gardens looking so good. Sure, the corn in the North garden is a bit spotty and a few...

The sun is drying things out so we can get to...

After lots of rain, which turned our central and north gardens to clay mush, the sun has been out daily and things are starting...

We’re racing along as the weather maintains

Although some of our neighboring areas have had flash flooding, such as the 7 inches of rain our friend Dara had recently, washing out...

Stuff is just popping up!

Due to our heat and strategic rains, our seeds have just been popping out of the ground. Our main garden, which was planted first,...