Meat bones and weed killer with soap

First. If you take deer bones after cutting deer up, cut up bones and boil you will be surprised how much more meat from the bones that can be used and such good broth to can.

Second. I have honey bees and all I read says soap of any kind will kill bees. The weed killer with soap may not be a good thing.
Macon, Georgia.

Thanks for the tips, PC. Some folks don’t like the broth made from deer bones but those who do can sure pack away a lot of tasty broth and use a lot more of the deer that way to stock their pantries! — Jackie

Worming goats

How do you give the Hoegger’s herbal worm remedy to your goats? Have read several comments that the goats don’t like it!

Mary Morgan
Semmes, Alabama

We feed a sweet feed with molasses. By mixing the worm remedy with it, the goats don’t even know they got it! If you only have a couple of goats, a dab of Vicks on their noses before feeding will quickly mask any taste but most goats don’t mind at all. — Jackie

Re-canning corn

Glad to hear you’re on the mend. Busy time to be having surgery. My question: I have several cases of corn bought from store. I noticed tops of a few cans pop when touched. Threw these out. Can I re-can other cans? Dates I know doesn’t mean a lot but these are only 2010-2011.

Robin Putman
Coolville, Ohio

Yes, you can re-can canned foods. But do remember to treat them as if they were fresh using the same times and pressure required for foods you just prepared from your garden.

It IS a busy time for having a surgery but I figured it’s preparedness as you never know when a gallbladder will blow up in the middle of a nasty storm, on Sunday night in the middle of nowhere. Better to do it when it’s calm and the weather’s fine. Done is done and I still will get a whole lot of garden canned up. — Jackie


  1. In regards to the Hoegers goat wormer. I have a registered herd of Nubian dairy goats. Right now I have 24 does, milking 7. We have used this wormer in the past. We found the easiest way for us (we tried several) was to get drenching syringes (we got several from or other vet supply sources) with the long metal tubes. Mix the wormer with water in a baby food jar (add wormer, add water, put on lid, SHAKE), pour into syringe and set aside. By the time we used it, it was like a jell……….. Squirt towards the BACK of the mouth. Done for the week. This used to be our Sunday ritual, but only the ladies coming in were getting wormed. The others (including the bucks) were not. We now worm when we see that a goat is anemic (look at there lower eye lid…… if white or pale, then anemic). We have the Truckin’ Blues herd out of TX

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