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A Backwoods Home Anthology — The Eleventh Year
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6   Publisher’s Note

7   Editorial: The real gun criminals

32   Ask Jackie: How much space
do vegetables need?

36   Energy Works

53   Irreverent joke page

59   BHM books

70   Poem: John Silveira

74   Ayoob on Firearms:
Remembering Y2K

80   Letters

87   Advertiser Index

88  &nbspThe last word: I don’t know

89   Classified ads (pdf)

89  Classified ad form

97  Subscription Info

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Cover 63
The cover is a John Dean painting of the new roof Stephen Heckeroth has put on his barn. The roof includes dormers, PV modules, solar water-heating panels, and skylights that have turned the once leaky barn roof into a power generator for Heckeroth’s California homestead. Beneath the dormers is a spacious and well-lit loft apartment that runs the entire length of the barn.



8  Armed and female   By Massad Ayoob

Massad Ayoob is a policeman who is serious about arming women so they can protect themselves. In this issue he discusses gun selection, shooting techniques, and training methods as they apply to women. He also provides a suggested reading list for those women who would arm themselves.

Country Living

28  Finding the best dog for the country life   By Anita Evangelista

49  Facts you should know about rattlesnakes   By Marjorie Burris

Energy Works

38  Solar building design   By Stephen Heckeroth

Incorporating the sun’s energy into building design is practical, simple, and affordable. Heckeroth provides four projects he personally designed that illustrate solar design strategies, introduce a new building-integrated photovoltaic roofing material, and show how integrating energy systems lowers overall cost.

45  Solar water pumping basics   By Windy Dankoff

Solar pumps require no fuel. They are quiet, pollution-free, and require very little maintenance. Dankoff explains how they work, the hardware involved, their applications, and the economics of using free sunlight to pump your water.


14  Build this sturdy large-capacity food dehydrator   By Charles Sanders

Dehydrating is one of the oldest methods of preserving foods known to mankind. Charles Sanders explains how he built his family’s large-capacity food dehydrator for next to nothing.


22  Picnicking with class!   By Jean L’Heureux

76  Nutrition and a vegetarian diet   By Jennifer Barker

Working for a living

65  Step into the future with your own website   By Oliver Del Signore and Mark Cogan


19  Use “wattle and daub” methods for low-cost construction   By Rev. J.D. Hooker

55  From the architect’s chair: Framing—things to think about   By Martin Harris

Farm and Garden

71  Grow your own celery   By Alice Brantley Yeager