In this cover by BHM artist Don Childers, a pair of bundled-up children collect acorns from their well-raked lawn. Mom will process the acorns into acorn flour later — and maybe even bake some acorn lace cookies, their favorite treat. A squirrel chatters away at them from the treehouse above, much to the dog’s chagrin.
6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
Sure, I’ll vote for Trump! What have I got to lose?
44 Ayoob on Firearms:
Understanding the gun debate, part 2
63 Irreverent joke page
64 Ask Jackie:
Storing eggs, solar panels, mulch, fungal disease on squash, canning bacon, etc.
77 Book Review: Lights On: The Non-Technical Guide to Battery Power When the Grid Goes Down
78 The gee-whiz! page
86 Letters
88 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
90-96 BHM anthologies & books
97-98 Order form/Subscription Info
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8 Hunting, processing, and serving black bear
21 Acorn extravaganza>
52 Harvesting and using rose hips
81 Stumped by a stump?
16 Building a ferro-cement shed
84 Constructing a tiny house
Food and recipes
40 Pumpkin dishes with international flair
72 Make natural soda
Farm and garden
32 Build a heated kindle box
34 Plan ahead to jump-start next year’s garden
70 Protected salt block holder
54 The election of 1800 was far more important than the current one