6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
We ain’t dead yet!
44 Ayoob on Firearms:
Gun cleaning — what some folks miss
60 Ask Jackie:
Cranberry sauce, canning on a wood cook stove, growing peppers & tomatoes, etc.
72 The Irreverent Joke Page
73 Letters
76 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
77-80 BHM anthologies & books
81-82 Order form/Subscription Info
For a subscription
Call 1-541-247-8900
16 A simple, easy rocket stove
26 Small-scale skidding
50 Three easy quilts to make
50 Sharpen a chainsaw like a pro
50 Replace broken tool handles
50 Make a new handle for an old five-gallon bucket
8 Build an off-grid root cellar, garage, and bunkhouse
35 Construct some fly-through bird feeders
38 Off-grid retreat — putting it all together
Food and recipes
54 Make cheese like a Viking
68 Syrian cuisine spreads across the world
Farm and garden