My long awaited apple fell off the tree and the goats ate it!

Yep, that lone apple in our beautiful orchard disappeared. I checked it yesterday and it was fine. I even debated on picking it and eating it. It was ripe. But I decided to let...

While I’m busy canning, Will and David get the storage barn roof covered

I'm still busily making different tomato products from the last 30 gallons of ripening green tomatoes that were sitting in my unused (yet!) new laundry room, trying to rot after they ripened, then sitting...

It’s wood splitting time on the homestead

With winter coming on us like a freight train, we suddenly have the urge to split wood. Although we have about four cords in the woodshed right now, left over from last winter, more...

Q and A: Meals in a jar, growing sweet potatoes, and canning baked beans

Meals in a jar and growing sweet potatoes First, I recently bought your "Growing and Canning" book at a self-reliance Expo in Mesquite, Texas and am excited to try canning this season. When food is...

Q and A: cleaning eggs and canning on a rocket stove

Cleaning eggs I have a small chicken tractor with just two hens. The roost nest is in the back furthest from the open "run" area. My hens like to get back in there and sleep...