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6  Publisher’s Note

8  Editorial:
A vast cultural divide exists between environmentalists and gun owners

72  Irreverent joke page

67  Ask Jackie:
Canning on a wood stove, sauerkraut, canning chili, bug control, canned bacon, etc.

26  Ayoob on Firearms:       Reflections on age and guns

89  The last word:
The real good news in the recent 2nd Amendment decision

88   Advertiser Index

90  Classified ads (pdf)

90  Classified advertising form

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Cover 113
his issue’s cover is an opaque watercolor by Don Childers that depicts a fall afternoon in the country. A mom hanging laundry, kids that are “helping,” and various critters animate the scene. The garden is ready for harvesting, and off in the distance is an inviting wheat field.

This issue features a variety of “preserving the harvest” articles, plus an informative article about how to grow your own grain near your home.

Notice the laundry line in the painting. The tiny diapers relate to an article on page 46, which shows how to make your own cloth diapers.


Building and tools

52  Teaching your kids to use tools   By Dorothy Ainsworth

Start them out young. Kids can learn about safety, how-to, and self-reliance through the use of basic tools.


46  Sewing and using cloth diapers is easier than you think   By Annie Tuttle

Annie tells us the health benefits of using cloth diapers and she provides an easy pattern so you can sew your own.

85  The many benefits of garlic   By Joe Knight


19  Energy class: Part 3   By Jeffrey R. Yago, P.E., CEM

73  Our energy crisis   By John Silveira

Part 1 of 3: It’s our creation, but we can fix it

Farm and garden

36  Grow your own grain   By Jackie Clay

It’s easier than you think. With today’s grain prices, you might want to learn how to grow and store enough for your family.

Food and recipes

8  Alternative food preservation   By Jackie Clay

There’s more to preserving foods than just canning. Jackie shows us how to dry, pickle, and smoke foods.

56  Brining pickles   By Vicky Rose

59  Grape juice, jam, and jelly   By Sylvia Gist

64  Plums   By Sylvia Gist

80  Garlic in the garden   By Linda Gabris


31  Homemade bread—a metaphor for life   By Claire Wolfe

This isn’t about how to be self-reliant, but why we want to be.