6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
Grand theory vs. stark reality
68 The gee-whiz! page
71 Ayoob on Firearms:
Spare ammo
74 Ask Jackie:
Goat herd addition, being self-sufficient, pumping water, cabbage relish, cranberry salsa, etc.
80 Letters
84 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
86-96 BHM anthologies & books
97-98 Order form/Subscription Info
For a subscription
Call Toll Free 1-800-835-2418
8 Emergency planning beyond the bug-out bag
22 Homemade fence puller
34 Collecting and processing maple syrup
78 My peppermint tin survival kit
82 A homemade bike trailer on the cheap
15 Turning a $10,000 house into a home, part 3
49 The off-grid cabin project, part 3
54 Build a simple, inexpensive greenhouse
56 Generators alone are not enough
Food and recipes
24 Cajun and Creole cooking
42 A crock of sauerkraut
64 One-dish meals: Simple and satisfying
Farm and garden
31 This deadly toxin can kill your garden
39 Make your own survival seed bank
38 The pond in winter