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8  Publisher’s Note
Mousers and cat loonies

9  Editorial:
“I stink!” but that’s okay

78  Ask Jackie:
Chokecherries, chicken runs, keeping lard, canning potatoes, “moving out,” root cellaring potatoes, fried pea patties…and more

23  Ayoob on Firearms:
1911: the classic homeland security pistol

33  The gee-whiz! page

73  Book Review Mad About Physics

74  Living the outlaw life:
Credit card monte: finance flim-flam and how to foil it

84  Letters

90  Classified ads (pdf)

90  Classified advertising form

93   Advertiser Index

94  The last word:
Gun control, race, and rotten politicians

95   BHM bookstore

96-97  Order form/Subscription Info

98-99   BHM anthologies & CD-ROMs

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Cover 83
The cover comes from Jeff Yago’s article “Battery powered weekend retreat” beginning on page 10. The retreat is located on several acres of beautiful deep forest wilderness along a fast-moving year-round fishing stream near the Virginia-Tennessee border. The building is a 900-square foot, two-story lodge with a large open deck that extends right up to the water’s edge. The retreat’s power comes from a generator system Jeff installed, along with a small solar charger to keep the batteries topped off.



16  Lyme disease   By Gary F. Arnet, D.D.S.

Lyme disease can be a debilitating disease if left untreated. Dr. Arnet explains how to recognize its symptoms, what kind of treatments work for it, and how to avoid it in the first place.

28  Creating your own job   By Gary F. Arnet

35  Harvest your own firewood   By Pete Earl

39  The art of wood splitting   By Phil Nichols

49  Harvesting the wild: Flower buds   By Jackie Clay

66  How to make money from storage building auctions   By Bill Wilson

69  Guns Save Lives — Chapter 5: Home intrusions   By Robert Waters

Independent Energy

10  Battery powered weekend retreat   By Jeffrey R. Yago, P.E., CEM

Jeff Yago’s client wanted a small power system for his weekend retreat that is located well away from the power grid. Because of location, solar as a sole source was out of the question. Jeff’s solution was a combination of energy saving devices, a bank of batteries, and a hybrid power system that included a small solar array and a generator

44  Standby battery charging techniques can ensure engine startups   By Jeffrey Yago, P.E.,CEM

Food and recipes

22  Piccalilli — a late summer bonus   By Marcia E. Brown

34  Venison burger chow mein   By Tom R. Kovach

Building and tools

58  Life in a chicken coop   By Chuck Davis


52  Sew a baby quilt in two days…for a lifetime of memories   By Ilene Duffy

Hunting and firearms

54  Grouse hunting…the ultimate joy of autumn   By Linda Gabris

Farm and garden

60  For health, pleasure, and relaxation, gardening rules    By Alice B. Yeager

48  Keeping cats out of the garden   By Tom R. Kovach

48  Black walnut warning   By Tom R. Kovach