Monthly Archives: July 2018

The canning has just begun

We've been so busy canning this past week! Alisha and I have canned tons of blueberries, blueberry jam, chokecherry jelly, bronco cherry jelly, and...

We’re getting so much done

With Alisha's cheerful and enthusiastic help, we're sure getting a lot done this summer. Like I've said, she's a whirlwind berry picker/garden harvester. Yesterday...

Summer is good to us this year

Our Provider beans have been outstanding. So far, we've harvested three times, enjoyed wonderful fresh beans, and canned up a whole bunch. It's impressive...

And we thought we were busy before…

First off, after running Will to this and that farm to get equipment/tractors (he was extremely busy trying to beat the rain that was...

We’ve been busy little bunnies

While Will's geared up haying, Alisha and I have been filling the pantry. The blueberries are ripe and last week Alisha and our friend...