Monthly Archives: March 2019

Slowly, our snow is melting away

Today, for the first time, I was able to walk into the backyard and down toward the garden. Hooray! There was actually green grass...

Spring has sprung

After such a long winter, spring has finally arrived. Our temperatures have been between 35-45° F during the day, but going down to freezing...

My sister and I took a birding expedition

Although I live in the middle of the woods and feed hundreds of birds, my sister, Sue, and I decided to make a trip...

Poor David — He came for a Sunday visit and got...

It was sunny on Sunday and warm to boot. So when David and Ashley showed up for a visit, Will asked him to help...

Warm weather didn’t cure all ills

Our cold snap has snapped. Wonderful! With temperatures in the low 40's above zero, we were happy campers. Then on my way to the...