We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Although our own "thanksgiving" family get together is over and Will and I will spend Thanksgiving Day alone, we still plan on having a small celebration as we are very thankful for all we...

Q and A: raising hogs, pinto beans, and pigs eating walnuts

Raising hogs My husband and I are considering raising a couple of hogs. My question is about their feed and fencing. I saw that you and Will had used pallets for housing and fencing for...

We dove to -10 degrees last night

And it looks like that's going to be warm, compared to tonight. The high tomorrow is supposed to be about that. Brr! We're definitely hauling in more firewood, including some long-burning ash for overnight....

Our turkey hens have new nest boxes

Last year we had trouble with hatching turkey poults. Too many hens would try laying and sitting in the same nest box; eggs would get broken and the eggs would chill and no babies...

I’ve been busy playing catch up

No, I still haven't gotten my leftover turkey and broth canned up. But I did get the celery done. Yea! Then I spent two afternoons down in the basement pantry, putting away and arranging...