Q and A: wood heating, dehydrated foods, and jars leaking in pressure canner

Wood heating We need to find a more efficient way of heating our home. We have a fire place and use it, but when the electricity goes off, as it does frequently, we need more...

Well, the knee surgery went well

But boy did it knock me flat! I mean I was in bed all day yesterday. Me! Yep. But today I was able to safely do away with the walker and gently hobble about....

We can’t stop COVID-19 but we can bring in firewood and save seeds

With all the unrest and worry around the country, it's no wonder doctors are seeing a spike in depression, countrywide. But I feel lucky; as homesteaders, Will and I have real world things to...

Tomato time!

With all of our peppers up, it's time for tomatoes. This year I planted more than 288 tomatoes. Of that number, there are 50 new varieties and 20 of our old standbys that we...

We had one of “those” days

First off, our 5-year-old six-battery battery bank was quickly dying. It got so we didn't even have enough power to run a CFL to see to get up to go to the bathroom and...