Of course it’s winter when your drier quits drying

Well, I shouldn't really complain at all. After all, it is a well-used dryer that my oldest son, Bill and his wife had used for years before getting a new one when they moved...

We got a frost but the sun is out and the birds are singing

A couple of nights ago, we finally got a fairly light frost. It was spotty for us; some gardens got hammered, others not at all and still others, some plants were affected, and others...

Boy, is it hard to work in the gardens when it’s in the 90’s

Okay, you guys in the south think we're sissies. But, we're definitely not used to such high temperatures, especially at planting time. Not only is it hot but we have a record number of...

The sun is out and the birds are singing I especially noticed this when I went to Homestead Mills to buy feed this morning. While we were loading up, the sparrows in the warehouse were...

Will’s back logging again

Yep, he had a stent put in a heart artery a short while ago. And he's due for another on Monday. But as per doctor's orders, he's resumed all his activities he prior was...