Q and A: canned milk separating, cabbage, and canning green beans
Canned milk separating
Just last week I followed the directions in "Growing & Canning Your Own Food" for canning milk. After I took the jars out of the pressure canner & they sat for a...
How do you keep livestock water from freezing solid off-grid?
Obviously, we can't use an electric stock tank heater. Propane heaters are expensive to buy -- and to run! Will remembered his dad telling him about his chore, as a kid, of having to...
Here’s a glimpse of our house
I just thought you'd like to see it, as it is, right now. A lot's happened since two years ago!
Readers’ Questions:
TV in the woods
I don't see archived any articles regarding TV Antennas. Since the...
Q and A: Canning potatoes with onions, Morning Glory removal, and Soil conditioning
Canning potatoes with onions
I was wondering about canning potatoes with onions. I've canned vegetable soup (which includes potatoes and onions) in a pressure canner and it gave me the idea of canning only potatoes...
New chickens on the homestead get a new coop
We had unexpected new chickens. My oldest son, Bill, called to say that his father-in-law had 12 heavy laying hens that he was given in the spring and he didn't want to winter them....