Q and A: canning cabbage rolls and canning summer squash

Canning cabbage rolls Is it possible to can cabbage rolls and if so do you have a recipe? Also, I need to have someone to tell me in a really dumbed down way how to...

Q and A: Canning potatoes with onions, Morning Glory removal, and Soil conditioning

Canning potatoes with onions I was wondering about canning potatoes with onions. I've canned vegetable soup (which includes potatoes and onions) in a pressure canner and it gave me the idea of canning only potatoes...

Q and A: canning diced jalapeños and canning peppers

Canning diced jalapeños I'm interested in canning diced jalapeños. I don't want to pickle them. I want to be able to add a spoonful at a time to dishes I'm cooking later. Should I water...

Q and A: Canning bacon grease and saving seeds

Canning Bacon Grease I use bacon grease in frying eggs and sometimes potatoes and making cornbread. I have several jars of it in the refrigerator because my mother fries a lot of bacon and saves...

Q and A: raising hogs, pinto beans, and pigs eating walnuts

Raising hogs My husband and I are considering raising a couple of hogs. My question is about their feed and fencing. I saw that you and Will had used pallets for housing and fencing for...