Q and A: Canning potatoes with onions, Morning Glory removal, and Soil conditioning
Canning potatoes with onions
I was wondering about canning potatoes with onions. I've canned vegetable soup (which includes potatoes and onions) in a pressure canner and it gave me the idea of canning only potatoes...
Canning ham, green beans, and potatoes together, Using Splenda to can pickles, Doubling jam...
Canning ham, green bean, and potatoes together
I would like to know if you can tell me how to can green beans, ham and potatoes together. It sure would save me time in the winter...
I’ve been busy rendering and canning lard
We're so thankful to have received a big box of pork fat to render down. I'll admit I'm doing it the "lazy" way. As it's already ground, all I do is pack it into...
Q and A: canning cabbage rolls and canning summer squash
Canning cabbage rolls
Is it possible to can cabbage rolls and if so do you have a recipe? Also, I need to have someone to tell me in a really dumbed down way how to...
The woodshed’s about full, as are our two other smaller woodsheds
It's sunny out today and we're out getting yet more firewood. Hey, if it's available and the weather's nice, why not? Better to have too much than too little. Right? We have two smaller...