Q and A: canning (sea) scallops and canning frozen eggs

Canning (sea) scallops. An elderly gentleman I know used to harvest scallops and the younger fellows who he helped in the past now drop off bags of scallops to my friend. These bags are 10-15lbs...

Q and A: Homestead water and Re-canning from #10 cans

Homestead water My husband and I are looking for retirement property. Somewhat of a survival retreat for now then converting to a homestead when we retire. We of course are concerned first and foremost with...

We’re back on track

Finally, after a long time of having things that were "unworking," Will has the water system fixed very nicely as well as the oven. Finally! Thanks to our wonderful readers, he checked the ignitor...

New chickens on the homestead get a new coop

We had unexpected new chickens. My oldest son, Bill, called to say that his father-in-law had 12 heavy laying hens that he was given in the spring and he didn't want to winter them....

We spent Mother’s Day repairing vole damage in our orchard

We had a crappy fall with heavy rain daily, turning to snow that stayed all winter. Unfortunately, the snow stacked up and the nasty voles that tunnel under the snow, also tunneled up and...