With our unseasonable warm weather coming to an end soon, we’re hurrying

Will is busy cutting and hauling truckload after truckload of firewood to the woodshed just about every hour of daylight. Me? I've been rearranging my food storage after writing an article on that subject....

Preparedness hit home today

Two days ago, the weather radio that I turn on first thing each and every morning started warning us that a major winter storm was heading our way. It was kind of hard to...

Q and A: pressure canner or cooker and thick preserves

Pressure canner or cooker We bought an electric pressure cooker/canner (Power) with the understanding we could use it for canning vegetables. Now online we are being told not to use it. Please help us...

Spring is finally here

Although we're scheduled for more snow, the ground is pretty much thawed and it feels like spring. And FINALLY our water line from the well is thawed out. Hooray! We're definitely doing some work...

Even in the cold, some jobs must be done

We've had unseasonal cold but we're still pushing on, trying to get some projects finished before winter really hits in earnest. One of these projects is the concrete pad for the wood boiler. Will's...