Q and A: Canning strawberry pulp and Hens not laying

Canning strawberry pulp We always have extra strawberries and not much in the way of extra freezer space.This year I wanted to try canning my extra berries as a pulp to be added to juice...

Q and A: Rabbit droppings for fertilizer and Monsanto seeds

Rabbit droppings for fertilizer My hubby and I are truck drivers that hopefully will soon be off the road...I want chickens and possibly rabbits. Can rabbit droppings be used as fertilizer for a garden? Judith Avery New...

Spring is here in fits and starts and we’re progressing

We've had sixties and sun and then four inches of snow and cold wind. Spring just can't make up its mind! A few days ago, we had a full moon and I got up...

Q and A: Conure and stretching fence

Conure Here's a different question for you! In your youtube video about cleaning the wood cookstove I hear what sounds like a conure or other smaller parrot in the back ground. What kind of pet...

Q and A: raising beef and orioles

Raising beef I've been looking for information on raising my own calf or two for beef. Do you have some suggestions on what I need to do? I've raised my own chickens and turkeys but...