How times change!

Twenty-five years ago friends bought a piece of wild woods in northern Minnesota where electricity was not available. There was no cabin or other buildings and friends of theirs and their family thought they...

We had New Years Eve baby goats

I have been watching our Nubian doe, Bella, for many days as she was getting close to kidding and the weather's been cold. Since we're off grid, there's no way to provide heat for...

Will and I have been busy with early spring projects

As usual, we have been spreading manure on all of our nine gardens. Well, Will runs the tractor and loader and I open and close gates, chasing cows away from them so he can...

Today our high is -5

We've definitely been having some cold weather lately. At night, the lows have regularly been -30° F with the highs still below zero. The house creaks and cracks as the logs contract with the...

Yep, we’re getting a very white Christmas

But, holy cow, does it have to snow this hard? It's not a blizzard because the wind isn't strong enough, technically. However, snow is driving down thick and hard; about an inch every half...