We are putting our orchard to bed for winter

Will is busy discing our new pasture on the new 40 acres so it'll be ready to plant in pasture seeding next spring. I'm trying to get our garden and orchard put to bed...

Q&A: Goat kids and Canning gravy

Goat kids I enjoyed seeing your new little goat kid. I am glad he is doing so well after a rough start. You write that you put him back with his mother to nurse. I...

Q and A: raising meat rabbits and canning chicken

Raising meat rabbits Do you have recommendation(s) for meat rabbit raising books/resources? Shellie Gades Evansville, Minnesota My favorite rabbit book is Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits, available through Backwoods Home Magazine. And Bass Equipment has lots of good...

Q and A: canning dried beans and spicy carrot pickle recipe

Canning dried beans I have a question about canning dried beans. I canned kidney beans for the first time. When I use a jar now they are packed tight and not much fluid. What...

Q and A: canning with Splenda and separating chicks from other chickens

Canning with Splenda Have you done any canning or preserving with Splenda or any other sugar substitutes? Just found out we must make a lifestyle change for a family member. I have always canned. Dolly White Yes....